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What's up网络用语? up up up这首歌的含义?

2024-09-21 06:29:43网络用语1

一、What's up网络用语?

whats up中文意思是怎么了,发生什么啦?/近来如何?

用于口语,亲密的朋友间打招呼“怎么样”、“最近过得怎么样? ”、“有什么新消息?”、“ 你好吗?”、“怎么了”、“发生什么啦”,绝大多数时候这只是相当于“嗨!”,回答也往往只是“Nothing.”(没什么。)

在网络聊天中,常将what's up 简称为'sup 。特殊情况:根据语气和表情有挑衅的意味。如:某人说“what's up”加上严肃表情的时候,通常是不愿意被打扰,带有威胁、挑衅的意思。



1、 Nothing much / Nothing.

2、Nothing new.

3、Not much. Same old.

二、如果想要跟对方多聊聊,还可以用what’s up 反问对方:

A:Hey, what’s up, man?

B:Oh, not much. What’s up with you?

A:Same here.

二、up up up这首歌的含义?


Fixing up a car to drive in it again ,Searching for the water hoping for the rain。 Up and up, up and up, Down upon the canvas, working meal to meal ,Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field。 Up and up, up and up ,See a pearl form, a diamond in the rough。 See a bird soaring high above the flood, It's in your blood, it's in your blood ,Underneath the storm, an umbrella is saying "Sitting with the poison takes away the pain" 。

Up and up, up and up it's saying, We're gonna get it, get it together, I know I'm gonna get it, get it together, somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ,We're gonna get it, get it together I know, We're gonna get it, get it together and flow ,I'm gonna get it, get it together and go Up and up and up。 Lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon 。Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon ,Up and up, up and up, How come people suffer, how come people part? How come people struggle, how come people break your heart? Break your heart, oh-oh 

Yes I want to grow, yes I want to feel。 Yes I want to know, show me how to heal it up ,Heal it up 。See the forest there in every seed ,Angels in the marble waiting to be freed, Just need love ,just need love 。When the going is rough, saying We're gonna get it, get it together, I know I'm gonna get it, get it together ,somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh We're gonna get it, get it together I know 。We're gonna get it, get it together and flow, I'm gonna get it, get it together and go 。And you can say what is, or fight for it 。Close your mind or take a risk ,You can say it's mine and clench your fist 。Or see each sunrise as a gift ,We're gonna get it, get it together, I know I'm gonna get it, get it together somehow We're gonna get it, get it together and flower Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh We're gonna get it, get it together I know。

 We're gonna get it, get it together and flow, I'm gonna get it, get it together and go Up and up and up ,We're gonna get it, get it together, I know I'm gonna get it, get it together somehow ,We're gonna get it, get it together and flower Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh We're gonna get it, get it together I know, We're gonna get it, get it together and flow ,I'm gonna get it, get it together and go Up and up and up。



四、get up/ got up区别?

get up、got up的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、时态版不同。


1、get up:起床。

2、got up:起身。


1、get up:在表示“得到”“收到”“获得”“受到”等意时, get后可接名词或代词作宾语。get在表示“逐渐达到某种阶段或境界”或者“开始做某事”时,可接动词不定式作状语。get在表示“替别人找来、取来、拿来某物”时,可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。

2、got up:get还可用作系动词,在表示“使…变得…”时,可接名词、形容词或常用作形容词的过去分词作表语。在表示“被、受”的含义时,尤其是口语中,常与过去分词连用。在美国口语中,get加现在分词则可表示某种状态的变化或一个新动作的开始。


1、get up:是一般现在时。

2、got up:是一般过去时。

五、Live up to time, live up to yourself, live up to expectations?

live up to time, live up to yourself, live up to expectations


六、be up与get up区别?




up就是顶别人的文章或帖子的意思。UP 还有夸赞一个人,说一个人好的意思。手语可以表示为 :竖起一根大拇指。



1. 向上,往上;

They huning the map up.


2. 在上面;在楼上

She lives two floors up.


3. (价格、水平等)上升,上扬

Prices for consumer goods are going up.


4. (姿态)直立地;起床;起来

5. 在北方;向北方

He drove up north.




九、call up 和ring up 和pick up的区别?

call up表示打电话, ring up表示电话铃响起, pick up表示捡起

十、hand up与give up区别?

give up是“放弃”的意思

hand up“举起手来”的意思

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