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2024-09-30 06:23:59理想梦想1


  From the warm spring flowers, to the scorching sun, from fruitful, to the snow. 2020 is fleeting. In this year, I have laughter and tears, joy of success and frustration of failure, but no matter what, I am harvesting and growing.


  My harvest in 2020.


  Guitar, this is my favorite instrument. I haven't had a guitar lesson because of my limited time. But in November, my mother found a guitar teacher for me, and also with my best friend. Maybe because of the piano foundation, I started playing guitar very quickly. In just one month, I learned painting, invisible wings and other music. I'm really looking forward to playing together with my friends at the party.


  Cartoon painting, I learned painting when I was four or five years old, but because of the increasing number of make-up classes, I had to drop the painting class, but I wanted to be a painter. Just this year, my mother reported a painting class to me, which made my painting technology develop rapidly and make my painting more and more beautiful.


  My growth in 2019.


  In summer vacation, my mother and I went to Yunnan alone for the first time. The scenery is beautiful and the air is fresh. Unlike Harbin, the haze is very serious. I remember it, the hospitality of the ethnic minorities in Yunnan, the sweet and delicious fruits in Xishuangbanna, and the cultural heritage of Lijiang ancient city. www.zuowenla.cn


  On the national day, my mother dropped all the classes and accompanied me and grandma to Heihe to participate in the chess match. I don't have the confidence to advance because I don't have many classes at ordinary times, but in the competition, I have worked out my willpower for an hour every time. Although we didn't get promoted, it was the process of playing chess that was important. We had a chess competition with the children and increased our friendship.


  Outlook 2021.


  It's three days to 2021. I have many small goals. I hope I can be an excellent middle captain. I hope my mother and I can travel more places. I hope I can advance in chess. I hope I can stick to my hobbies


  Goodbye 2020, hello 2021.

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