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2024-09-29 12:14:57理想梦想1


A: What is your dream?

B:I want to be a millionaire.

C:That is must be daydreaming.

B:Oh. So what's wrong.

A:We should be realistic.

B:That's the reason why you are poor.




A: Have you heard about any recent innovations in technology?

B: Yes, there have been several exciting developments. For example, companies are now using artificial intelligence to automate tasks and improve efficiency.

A: That's impressive! I also read about a new medical device that can detect diseases at an early stage.

B: Absolutely! Innovation in healthcare is crucial for improving patient outcomes. I also heard about a renewable energy breakthrough that could revolutionize the way we generate power.

A: It's amazing how innovation is shaping our world. I believe continuous innovation is essential for progress and staying competitive in today's fast-paced society.

B: I couldn't agree more. Embracing innovation allows us to solve problems, create new opportunities, and improve our quality of life.



did you have english class this morningB:不,我们上的数学课,下午上历史,英语课在明天,你们呢 oh,no,we had match class at morning,we will have history class this afternoon and have english at Tomorrow。what about you ?

A:我们刚上了英语课,今天下午和明天放假 we had english just now,and we will have a holiday this afternoon and tmmorrowB:哦 天啊 太幸福了 oh dear you are all luckey


1.A: Honey,what du you think love is?


B: Love has many meanings,I think love is different for different people.


2.A: I'm just trying tu put my feelings ito words,honey.


B: Go on.


3.A: What's the way to express real love?I mean,really strong love?


B: Um.you can call it true love,or say you are crazy about the one you love.


4.A: No,I mean really love.Love more than a spring morning.Love more than a cool drink on a hot day .Real love.


B: Then you say you are head over heels in love.


5.A: Honey,I...


B: Yes?




"What should I do if my child accidentally swallows a pill?"


"How do I apply pressure to stop bleeding?"


"Can you tell me what to do in case of a heart attack?"


"What should I do if someone faints?"


"How do I perform CPR?"


"Can you teach me how to use a defibrillator?"


"What should I do if someone has a seizure?"


"How do I clean a wound?"


"Can you tell me what to do in case of an allergic reaction?"


"What should I do if someone has a broken bone?"



关于生存的英语谚语有live and let live。



Jack:Oh,Tom,Nice to meet you!

Tom:Nice to meet you,too.This is my sister,Lily.

Jack:Oh,hello!I'm afraid we have seen each other before,do you remember me?

Lily:Hr,I'm afraid I forget it.I'm sorry,but when was that happened?

Jack:About a summer six years ago.We both studyed in a piano trainning.I remember you played piano very well.

Lily:Oh,I think about it.You are that hummor brother.Glad to see you again.

Tom:So you two knew each other before.It's so good.

Jack:I really don't know that you two are sister and brother.

Lily:So let's celebrate that we meet again.

Jack:Good idea.

Tom:Ok,let's go.


A:hey,you‘re always so early for history classes.

B: yeah, i'm pretty interested with these heroes.

A:ohh. then which one you are interested most?

B:well.. let me see...it shall be barack obama!

A:barack obama! I thougt it would be Lincoln!

B;well...he is so talented, it's said that all of his speech drafts were prepared by himself. and he is an amiable president, was there any other presidents who have showed up in variety shows?

A well, but has this anything to do with history?

B, every American president, you know, shall be recorded in history!

A well...that's it.


Excuse me[打扰一下]Can you and I together photos[你能和我一起拍照吗]```````拍完后Thank you very much[非常感谢]Good time always is so short[美好的时间总是如此短暂]bye-bye[拜拜]

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