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2024-06-09 23:27:31工作态度1


Part 1: 语法填空

A young man was getting ready to 1. (enroll) in college. For many months he had 2. (save) every penny he could for his tuition, books and living expenses. Finally,he 3. (register) with a college near his home. Unfortunately, he found that the cost to 4. (attend) this particular college was much more than he expected. So he 5. (decide) to enroll in another school instead. The following day he 6. (find) a purse stuffed with money on the campus and he gave it to the campus security. Later,a woman came to the campus security to claim the purse. She described the purse, the amount of money in it, and a few other identifying details. But the young man was able to 7. (prove) that the purse was indeed hers by describing the tie on the purse, which he had not mentioned in his description of what he 8. (find). Impressed, she 9. (offer) him a reward for his honesty and returned the kindness with a thank-you note.

1. enrol

2. saved

3. registered

4. attend

5. decided

6. found

7. prove

8. found

9. offered

Part 2: 阅读理解

The world is going mobile, and English language learners are no exception. The number of English language learners (ELLs) in the United States has hit quite a record high of 4.8 million students in the fall of 2014, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. And these learners, like other students, are increasingly accessing the Internet — and using cellphones to do so.

That's where mobile apps come in: They can provide focused, bite-sized learning-on-the-go, whenever and wherever you are. But with so many language learning apps available, how can you choose the best one for you?

1. What is the article about?

A) The difficulties faced by ELLs

B) The number of ELLs in the United States

C) Mobile apps for English language learners

D) English language learners who use cellphones

2. According to the article, what percentage of ELLs use cellphones to access the internet?

A) 40 percent

B) 50 percent

C) More than 50 percent

D) The article does not say.

3. What do mobile apps offer learners?

A) Bite-sized learning-on-the-go

B) Access to the Internet

C) Detailed explanations of grammar

D) Opportunities to practice writing

4. What is the main question addressed by the article?

A) How do mobile apps help ELLs learn English?

B) Why do so many ELLs use cellphones to access the Internet?

C) What makes a good mobile app for ELLs?

D) What is the best way for ELLs to learn English?


1. C

2. C

3. A

4. C

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