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2024-06-18 02:22:45爱情观1


Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.


Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus

As the society advances, it is essential for us college students to get to know the world outside the campus. Firstly, enlarges our scope of knowledge. Secondly, it prepares us for entering the society. Finally, it makes us more aware of our duty as college students and thus stimulates us to work harder.

There are many ways for us to know the outside world. To begin with, we can watch TV, read newspapers or listen to radio. In this way, we can keep ourselves well-informed of what is going on home and abroad. Nest, we can take part in such social practices as conducting a survey and participating in community projects. These will reward us with much experience. With which we will serve the society better when we enter it .

As a college student in the modern age, I will get myself out of the ivory tower and into the real world. On one hand, I will read more frequently the newspaper so as to keep myself abreast of current affairs. On the other, I plan to find a part-time job like being a tutor or a waiter. The fob will help me to know the society more directly.


It's sunny today.We are doing something meaningful.That is,selling our books or stationaries and give those money to the poor area.We are so proud of doing this.




Dear editer,

  Recently,Ministry of Education has announced to add Peking Opera as a compulsory course in primary and secondary schools.My classmates held a discussion on it the other day.

  According to the discussion,there are two different opinions.On the one hand , many classmates think Peking Opera has a long history in China ,it contains lots of traditional cultrue.By learning Peking Opera,Chinese culture can spread more,and it's good for students to study history.Also,Peking Opera is a synthesis of many kind of arts,it has a high quality appearance so that it is helpful to students to develop aesthetic ability.

  On the other hand,many students consider it is no necessary to add Peking Opera as a compulsry course.Students have freedom to choose what to learn by themselves.To force their studies only can damage their interesting in learning Peking Opera.What's more ,Chinese traditional opera have many different kinds,the local opera also can spread their traditional culture.

  Personally,I think it's useful to adding opera course in primary and secondary schools,it can make our study happier,but if we can choose different operasfor ourselves,that's better.


 shallwegoouttoplayfootball?  Afrerawholeday'shardstuding,Ifellverytierdandwanttogoouttoplayfootballforfan.Butmyteachersalwayssaythatittakestoomuchtimeandcanmakeusawayfromstuding.Sotheyusuallydon'tletusplayfootball.  Whileteachersrejectit,westillwanttohaveaplay.Ithinktheplayingafterschoolcanbearedressalandmakeourbodieshealthier.Atthesametime,temperateexercisewon'ttamperwithourstudies.  Accordingtothat,Ithinkplayingfootballafterschoolhavemoreadvantagesthandisadvantages.


Is your school beautiful? There are many flowers in my school. The flowers are beautiful and colorful. There are many trees in my school. The trees can make our school clean. We often play under the trees in summer when we have a rest. We can play games there. We got some pleasure in my school. And we learn how to be a man in my school


Let's create beautiful school. Many years ago. My school is very poor. No tree, no flower, no wall, no building. We work hard to buid beautiful school.


It was one day morning in May.Xiao Han paid a visit to his friends.On his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.He saw a woman lying on the street,for being hurt in the traffic

accident.He called the driver to stop right away and sent her to the hospital.Then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact her family.After all,her husband got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to his wife.When he was willing to express his thanks to him,Xiao Han had already gone.



Dating on Campus (校园情侣)dating on campus,也就是校园约会或者爱情的利弊 Have you ever noticed those pairs of young lovers on campus who dine together, go to the reading room together and depart unwillingly in front of the dorm building? They range

Dating on Campus dating on campus,

Have you ever noticed those pairs of young lovers on campus who dine together, go to the reading room together and depart unwillingly in front of the dorm building? They range from age 17 to 22.

On the one hand, love really does good to the young's development. The one with brilliant performance in study can be the encouragement of the other. They compete and learn from each other, making an excellent match. Also in love, those who are accustomed to self-centered ways of thinking learn to take care of others and be considerate of others. They realize their responsibility as well as their importance. In a word, love makes one mature.

However, on the other hand, we cannot ignore the side effects that dating brings to the university young. Love and tenderness take time. Frequently going out on a date may result in frequent absence from class, which will undoubtedly hold up their learning pace. This should be taken seriously by those who indulge in sweet romance.

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